
税 & 激励

休斯顿以优惠的成本提供了极具竞争力的商业环境. The region is a national leader in business relocations and expansions thanks in large part to its pro-growth attitude. State and local incentives as well as a favorable tax structure make this region an attractive place to do business for companies of all sizes. 


德州和休斯顿明白需要一个稳定、有利于商业发展和透明的税收结构. 德克萨斯州是少数几个没有州长的州之一, 州或公司所得税, 这使得做生意的成本很有竞争力. Houston's cost-effective tax structure makes it a choice location for any company looking to establish a presence or expand their current footprint. +, 休斯顿地区的个人税负一直是全国最低的, 是什么让它成为一个吸引各种背景的人生活和工作的地方.

休斯顿地区销售税分配 总计956美元.18年是700万

State Incentives

休斯顿地区符合条件的公司可获得一系列地方和州激励措施,以支持新员工, 扩大和搬迁公司. The Partnership can help identify potential economic incentives that will match best with your relocation and/or expansion, 并促进地方和州领导的激励过程. The state of Texas invests in its future by offering competitive incentives to companies who are creating jobs and driving innovation in the state. 本节总结了由州长办公室管理的一些最常用的州产品, 经济发展与旅游业.

德州企业基金(TEF), 全美最大的交易完成基金之一, is a performance-based cash grant for qualifying projects that offer significant projected job creation and capital investment where a single Texas site is competing with another viable out-of-state option (cash incentive). 

技能发展基金 (SDF) grants are provided to help companies form partnerships with local state community colleges and technical schools to provide custom job training for new or existing employees. 每名受训者的平均培训费用为1800美元,由德克萨斯州劳动力委员会管理. Businesses with fewer than 100 employees can also apply for this program through the Skills for Small Business program (workforce incentive). 

The 德州资本基金 administered by the Department of Agriculture is an economic development tool designed to provide financial resources to non-entitlement communities that can be utilized for public infrastructure or real estate development needed to assist a business that commits to create and/or retain permanent jobs (cash incentive). 


This incentive may be offered to qualified businesses that are in the decision-making process to relocate or expand their operations into Texas. It also allows employees and family members of qualified businesses who have not yet located in Texas to pay in-state tuition fees if the individual files with a Texas institution of higher education.

TCEQ和州长办公室已经建立了协助公司的关系, which may experience unwarranted delays in their environmental permitting process for projects that could affect job creation or have a high economic impact.

在职培训(OJT)为参与者提供了一个边学习边赚钱的机会, 在培训期间,雇主可获得部分工资补偿.  OJT专注于涉及新技术的工作, 生产, service or additional skills for full-time positions (30 hours per week is considered full-time) paying at least $12.每小时00美元或更多. 

州税 & 融资的激励

The 德州企业区计划 (EZP) is a potential Sales and Use tax refund based on new and retained jobs associated with the qualified business site during the designation period. 各社区可提名项目作为EZP指定, 和项目由总督办公室在每季度的竞争中颁发.

租赁或购买的机器, 设备, 替换零件, 以及在制造过程中使用或消耗的配件, 处理, 捏造, 或修理有形的个人财产以供最终出售, 是否免缴州和地方的销售税和使用税.


在制造业中使用超过50%的公用事业的公司, 处理, 制造产品转卖的,可以申请免征其公用事业营业税.

德克萨斯州对电脑的销售税提供100%的免税, 设备, 冷却系统, 电力基础设施, 数据中心的电力和燃料达到资本投资2亿美元的最低门槛, 新增20个工作岗位, 工资至少是全县平均工资的120%.

A taxable entity may deduct relocation costs incurred from relocating a main office or other principal place of business to the State of Texas from another state or country if the taxable entity did not do business in the State of Texas before relocating.

旨在帮助德州小型制造企业在不断变化的全球市场中保持竞争力. TMAC中心以折扣价提供工艺改进方面的技术援助, 环保法规升级, 技术和市场的变化.

有设施的公司可享受财产税减免, 设备, 以及用于控制空气的设备, 水, 或者土地污染. 公司可以向德州环境质量委员会提出申请.

专门从事制造业的公司, 销售, 或安装太阳能或风能设备免征德克萨斯州特许经营税. Other businesses that install solar or wind energy systems are eligible for a franchise tax deduction of 10 percent of the system's cost.

住宅, 商业, 工业可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载设备免征德州财产税. 这项豁免适用于大多数可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载技术,包括太阳能、风能和生物质能.

PACE旨在提供低成本, long-term financing for 水 and energy efficiency and conservation improvements to 商业 and industrial properties. 业主可以评估实现节能改进或改造的措施,并获得融资, 作为建筑物的估价偿还.

工业收入债券为符合条件的工业或制造业项目提供免税或应税融资, 考虑到城市, 县, conservation and reclamation districts to form non-profit industrial development corporations or authorities on their behalf.



A variety of cities and 县 in the Houston region offer tax abatement agreements that exempt part of the increased value in real or personal property from taxation for a period not to exceed 10 years.

这些自由裁量的激励措施通常采取财产税减免的形式, 贷款或补助金, 对基础设施的承诺, 或者支付项目产生的部分销售税. 地方政府和开发商之间就这些激励措施的谈判是逐案进行的. The Chapter 380 is targeted specifically for use by cities while Chapter 381 is specifically for use by county governments. 这些协议可以在同一个项目中串联使用.

Municipalities may offer cash awards made possible by local sales and use tax allotments dedicated to economic development (输入一个 and Type B sales tax). 税收收入有两种形式, 最初的4A税和更灵活的4B税, 用于资助经济发展计划和项目,创造主要(或直接)就业机会.

对外贸易区(FTZ)允许从事对外贸易的公司延迟支付美国的税款.S. 海关的进口关税,直到他们的货物和商品实际进入美国.S. 商务. 货物进入对外贸易区(FTZ)无需正式的美国许可证.S. 海关入境或不招致美国罚款.S. 关税或消费税,除非进口到美国. 经保税区发起人批准,某些区域可免征库存从价税.

许多城市, 休斯顿地区的县和学区已经采用了自由港免税政策, 免除175天内出口到州外的任何库存的从价税. 自由港财产包括货物, 商品, 商品, 选择加入的司法管辖区的矿石和某些飞机及飞机部件.

A small number of taxing entities in Texas have adopted the Goods-in-Transit direct or indirect ownership interest in the inventory. 要符合资格, 存货必须运送到另一个地点, 在州内或州外, 在取得或进口物品后的175天内.

机会区是低收入人口普查区, 根据新市场税收抵免立法的规定, 这是由该地区所在州或地区的州长指定的. 这些区域通常位于经济困难的社区,在那里新的投资, 在特定的条件下, 可以享受税收优惠待遇吗.

An appraised value limitation agreement in which a taxpayer agrees to build or install property and create jobs in exchange for a limitation on the taxable property value for school district maintenance and operations (M&O)税收目的和税收抵免. 最低限制值因学区而异.



休斯顿地区由12个独特的县组成, 每个都为一系列行业部门提供理想的环境.


Houston offers a low cost of living while maintaining an incredibly rich quality of life with the amenities you expect to find in a world-class city.



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